
Irakurketak, egunez egun, 2009

Honoko irakurketa hauek dira gure klaseetan egunez egun gomendatzen ditugunak:

Irailak 30:
Es la economía, estúpido. Edo, nola ideia batek egoera jakin bat era bat aldatzeko behar adinako indarra eduki dezakeen adibidea (James Carville,1992)

It's the people, stupid (1) Winning products come about when technology is focused on people, not because people are focused on technology (Tony Fernandes, 2001)

It's the people, stupid (2) The most interesting problems on the Web are social, not technical. Once the open, social stack moves into wide use, the real work is going to be on us to create ongoing experiences that inspire, inform, evolve (Brian Oberkirch & Deborah Schultz, 2009)

Urriak 7:
Small Pieces Loosely Joined (Weinberger, 2002). Interesgaria da ere umeentzako bertsioa irakurtzea: What is the Web for.

Urriak 14:
What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software (Tim O'Reilly, 2005). Helbide honetatik aukera dago textua beste hizkuntzetan irakurtzeko.

Urriak 21:
E-learning 2.0 (Downes, 2005). Itzulpen bat aurkitu daiteke Santamaria iraskasleen blogan.

Urriak 28:
Castaño, C., Maiz, I., Palacio, G. y Villaroel, J.D. (2008): Prácticas educativas en entornos Web 2.0". Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.

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